Our People

Our People

The first word you’ll hear in Fiji is one that will stay with you long after you leave. “Bula!”, always delivered with a huge grin, is a friendly, infectious greeting that can be used at any time of the day or night.

When you arrive at Tropica Island Resort, our team will welcome you into our family with a huge “Bula”, and will do all they can to ensure your holiday is a truly authentic Fijian experience. We love sharing our culture with people from all over the world.

During a stay at Tropica, you can experience the Fijian way of life during a visit to a local village where you will be given guidance on the customs by our team.

Other opportunities to immerse yourself in the Fijian culture include taking part in a kava ceremony, enjoying a lovo (a meal cooked underground) and watching a meke (traditional song and dance performance).

There are two more phrases you’ll hear all the time in Fiji: vinaka (thank you) and, our personal favourite, sota tale (see you again). Now that you’re part of the family, you’re welcome back anytime.

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